Since we last spoke on this oft-frequented blog, I've watched the first 41 episodes of Lost. This has nothing to do with why I haven't updated this blog since May 19.
The fictional series has bumped Six Feet Under from my fictional "Top Five Television Shows in the Past 20 Years" list (The Wire, Seinfeld, The Sopranos, Lost, Friday Night Lights).
Slightly warmer than both six feet under (RIP) and the island on Lost, we sat on one of those new wooden picnic benches on Saturday afternoon at the EGG. Humidity near 100, sun out and temps getting to third base with upwards of 85 degrees, I sat in a jacket sipping my 11th or 12th beer without having eaten all day. The USA had just tied England 1-1.
No Third Base albums made the upcoming list.
Scratching my jeans and turning a brow-wiping into a full-on vertical face rub with a chin-scratching twist, I then redirected my attention toward that 130th ounce of Bud Light.
"If you only could listen to two albums for the rest of your life, what would they be," I asked Paul. The question marked an abrupt change to our conversation with the med student following my proclamation that the only outfit a girl should wear in the summer should involve a gray v-neck T-shirt and aviator sunglasses.
Before Paul answered I said, "isn't it odd that The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby sound so different yet only came out four years apart?"
We then would crawl to three of the least popular bars on the east side of High Street (Buffalo Wings & Rings, The Sloppy Donkey and The Out R Inn). We'd stop to eat at Pizza by the Slice and Raising Canes.
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1. int. bedroom. night.
A MAN lays in bed and looks at the clock. It reads 1:01 a.m.
dissolve to
2. int. bedroom. night
The clock reads 2:58 a.m. The MAN looks at it.
"There's no way I'm falling asleep tonight before four thirty."
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Got to thinking last night about Lost and how I'd survive on an island. I did not have to think about how I'd survive on a deserted island because I wouldn't. A normal island would be tough enough.
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Which ten albums would I choose to listen to if I could only listen to 10 albums but also had an unlimited supply of batteries? This always strikes me as odd. How come you only can listen to five albums or watch five movies from here to eternity but SOMEHOW have enough battery power to do so on a deserted island? You'd have to rock a portable CD player to do this. Couldn't really do it with an iPod. Might explain why most of the albums on my list debuted before the advent of the iPod.
I chose not to include greatest hits albums because being able to select those is like judging a person solely on his or her Facebook photos when they don't allow themselves to be tagged in other peoples photos. Fleetwood Mac is the big loser here as The Dance definitely would have made this list and Mirage and Rumors also would have made a Top 15/20 list.
I also really like album cover art and this gave me an excuse to Google all these albums.
Here's the list (in alphabetical order by artist):
The Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique (1989)

The Beatles - Rubber Soul (1965)

Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism (2003)

Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction (1987)

Iron & Wine - The Creek Drank the Cradle (2002)

Kings of Leon - Aha Shake Heartbreak (2005)

Outkast - Aquemini (1998)

Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)

R.E.M. - Automatic for the People (1991)

Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

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